Mission, Vision & Core Values
MISSION (why do we exist?):
To ensure learning for all, by any means necessary.
VISION (what must we become in order to achieve our purpose):
We will be a professional learning community where learning is required by all.
- Work in collaborative teams focused on our building commitments and SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) goals
- Focus on essential promise standards using common formative assessments with frequent monitoring
- Use a growth mindset
- Partner with one another, students, parents and community to ensure success
- Focus on the four PLC questions with intentionality
COLLECTIVE COMMITMENTS (how must we behave to create the school that will achieve our purpose?):
A) communicating clearly (transparent & with validation)
B) establishing & maintaining unified systems
C) making decisions based on data to achieve grade level promise standards
D) reflective instructional practice conversations that lead to a change in teaching practices & adjustments to the student learning process
- Standard Professional Expectations
- Speak of individuals or teams as if they are in the room
- We use data rather than opinion or personal experience to frame team decisions
- We listen, validate and consider other perspectives
Our Core Values for Success are:
- Respect
- Communication
- Fun
- Flexibility
- Compassion